Thursday, October 27, 2022

WMLMT v2.3 released!


The new Ivanti Product Manager (thanks Dennis van Dam) pointed me to some new logging classes thus some new lngClassID's in the database:

102    Logon performance
104    Logon performance - details
105    Authorized owners

The latest version can be downloaded Here

So these new ClassID's are added to the tool so they can be analyzed and deleted if necesarry.
I haven't been able yet to setup a custom query for these ID's yet so the basic information will be shown in
the results pane.
Further the Trend tab has been added and moves the graphs over there so they will have more space to display the results.


During 1st launch it can occur that a .net exception error pops up, this can safely be ignored but is fixable:

For this delete the file below and restart the application:


The new version can be downloaded from the link below...