Saturday, October 7, 2017

Automation 10.2

Yes, this is the first release of  RES ONE Automation under the new Ivanti brand!
This is one of my personal favourite Automation tools, easy to use but a Spartanic interface if you are using the old Legacy console (being phased out and replaced by a spiffy WebConsole). If you don't know Ivanti Automation then you should really have a look at this #Click2Automate software.

Here are just a few highlights of this release:

New branding - 50 shades of Orange

Of course with the release under the new Ivanti brand, the branding is changed.

New color schemes and logo's are presented during the setup and present in the management portal.
I must say it really looks great and for what it counts, Red is to me just one of the 50 shades of Orange.

During the setup Ivanti left us a nice referral to the good old RES fans.

Management Portal

The new and spiffy portal, you almost say completely "bye bye" to the old and Spartanic console.
In this release they added:
  • Library section (add your Modules, Projects and Runbooks)
  • Multi edit / select improvements
  • Folder List improvements
  • Resources
PoSH / Free edition

Now there's also a free edition of the Automation software, only restriction is that you'll only be able to use the Powershell module to schedule tasks, but you can do this to an unlimited amount of Agents. So happy Powershell scheduling!

WMC.exe command line tool

It's no secret that the old console is being phased out and replaced by the Management Portal, however the good old console is so feature rich that many customers run their jobs from the command line. 
To make it easier to move to the new portal Ivanti created the WMC.exe tool, basically this tool translates your commandline to a REST API call which is supported by the Web console.

IPv6 support

IPv6 is getting a bigger and bigger role in the Enterprise.
Implementing this feature would take a large amount of resources for Ivanti but things have come to terms.
In Ivanti Automation you can now find IPv6 being covered in areas such as Team rules, Wake-on-LAN and Send SNMP Trap.
There are even two functions added:

Final thoughts

These have been just some features mentioned of this new release, read the original IVANTI post for more details about this release or this nice Workspace guru article.

Indeed my first post of many!

Let me introduce myself I am Patrick van Grinsven and live in the Netherlands.
Yes this is the land in which we all live in windmills, wear wooden shoes, eat cheese and have the lovely tulips.
I have worked for several companies but lost my heart at RES Software (aquired by Ivanti) and the great products they create.

As from 1-11 I will be joining Detron as a Workspace Specialist, this way I'll be able to help customers directly with their Workspace(s).

To share my knowledge and tools (yes, I write some tooling every now and then) I have created this WebBlog.
This Blog will contain News - Tips & Tricks - Thoughts - Tools related to Workspace topics.

I wish you all happy reading!